Meet Silas Briggs


Silas Ross Briggs

Gail has a daughter, Kate.

Kate has a daughter, Chloe.

Chloe just had a baby, Silas Ross Briggs.  That makes me a great-grandfather. Ish.

Last week we went up to Tacoma for the day to meet the new little feller.  He’s cute.  Of course all babies are cute, but this one is cuter. Doesn’t cry, doesn’t fuss, just eats, sleeps and poops.  The perfect baby.


Gail had to hold him, lots. That’s what great-grandmothers are for.  When she was ready to put him down, it was my turn.  Holding babies is something I’m really good at.

I had to have a photo of the 4 generations together.


Kate, Chloe, Gail and Silas

We all went out for a fine dinner on the waterfront, then took the late flight home.  Can’t beat a day like that.

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